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AI is a tool... use it as that
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be daunting, especially considering how it seems to have popped out of nowhere and quickly began to run everything! It is no wonder why so many people look at it sceptically.
Rightfully so, suspicion is a reasonable reaction to anything 'foreign', and seemingly highly disruptive to 'normal life'. Something that in an instant, appears to have changed the way businesses run, and how we communicate, and socialise. With AI-related anxieties on the rise, it clearly has had some negative impacts on people's lives. In particular, many people find it weird to talk to machines, or fear job losses to them. In addition to concerns about data breaches and the potential of forming emotional attachments to AI.
It's no surprise that many people believe AI should not be trusted. I agree! Simply because AI is a 'thing' and not a 'person'. It is based on algorithms that are influenced by the individual developers (who are infamous for lacking transparency) rather than innate intelligence. At the same time, however, we should not be too hesitant about AI, instead, we should use it as it is intended... a tool that helps simplify life.
We should have a balanced perspective on AI, remembering that it is not a replacement for human connection and that we already interact with AI daily in many hidden ways. When we search on Google, log in to our phones with facial recognition, access our bank accounts online, receive medical assessments, and browse our feed suggestions on social media. The list is long and exhaustive. Additionally, just like with any other tech, we hold the power to decide what we share. We can keep our interactions with AI general, using it in the same way as search engines, to get things like templates, and references, but with more curated results that save us time.
4-step prompt sequence for AI job searching
This section provides a concise, 4-step process to use AI for online job searching, that leverages current skills and expertise.
The prompts have been run using Gemini (the Google AI chatbot), but they are adaptable for other chatbots and can be modified to your preferences. To use them, just copy and paste them into the chatbot search boxes, and for anyone who is a complete novice to AI, you can learn how to use Gemini with my step-by-step guide here!
Please note: The prompts provided are suggestions to help you identify potential remote jobs. They do not guarantee job placement, and some information returned by AI chatbots, particularly figures like salaries, may be inaccurate or based on specific regions. Use your own judgment and research to verify details before making any decisions.
The prompt sequence
1. Hi Gemini, can I get a list of the top [add number] remote careers for people with a degree or background in [add speciality]? Divide it up based on:
Career options.
Relevant industries.
Potential pay.
The top 3 online job sites to get hired.
Job security.
Options for online education or continuous professional development CPD.
(Wait for the responses from Gemini, review them and pick 1 or several job titles to further research using the follow-up question)
2. Thanks, for a [select job(s) from the list returned], can you provide templates for a resume and cover letter for someone with [add number] years of experience, as well as the top 3 resume builders to use?
(Wait for the responses from Gemini, review them and pick 1 or several job sites to create a profile using the follow-up question)
3. To follow up, can you provide a simple 3-step guideline on how to create a profile on [pick a website from the list]? Please highlight the most important details I must include.
(Wait for the responses from Gemini, and set up your online profile(s) accordingly)
4. Once I am set up on [website you picked], how can I apply for my 1st job? Please write it out as a 3-step guideline.
(Wait for the responses from Gemini, and apply the tips to send your first application)
Trying out the prompts
We will test out the prompt sequence using a 'baker with 3 years of experience 'as an example.
Prompt 1 and responses
Prompt 2 and responses
Prompt 3 and response
Prompt 4 and responses
Things to remember when using AI as a job search tool
Remember, AI is a tool to enhance your search, not to replace your own initiative and judgment. Be mindful of its limitations and use it strategically. It is not perfect and can provide biased results or outdated data. As such, apply critical thinking and fact-check all results.
Additionally, avoid directly copying or relying solely on AI-generated content for applications or resumes. Tailor your materials to each opportunity, showcasing your unique skills and experience. Finally, quantity does not guarantee quality! Don't overwhelm yourself with too many AI responses. Focus on analysing the data provided and using the most relevant and reliable information for your needs.
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